

Right after the first shock of 20 May 2012, many citizens have contacted the Civil Protection Department and Regions affected by the quake in order to offer their help.

Those who wish to give a contribution to the population of Modena, Ferrara, Bologna and Reggio can use the bank and postal accounts activated by Emilia-Romagna Region.

Solidarity SMS

Upon request of the Civil Protection Department, and in agreement with the affected Regions and thanks to the mobile providers and the media, from 29 May to 10 July 2012, the number 45500 has been activated for fundraising: text messages can be sent at 2 Euros each.

The sum will be assigned to the population affected by the earthquake emergency, according to the needs indicated by Emila-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto Regions.

It is possible to call or send a text message to 45500. The service is active only on national mobile providers Tim, Tim, Vodafone, Wind, 3, Poste Mobile, CoopVoce, Tiscali and Noverca and landline providers Telecom Italia, Infostrada, Fastweb, TeleTu, Tiscali, TWT and Cluditalia.
The sum will be entirely donated to the affected population. Of course, VAT will not be charged and the providers will not receive any sum for the service.

The fundraising finished on 10 July. 15,127,828.00 Euros have been raised.
Please note the final amount could change as donors' "promises" will need to be confirmed at the moment of cashing in by telephone and mobile operators.


Private citizens and public boards were able to make donations indicating “Contributo per il terremoto 2012 in Emilia-Romagna” as  payment description of:

- bank transfert on postal account n. 367409 with heading: Regione Emilia-Romagna - Presidente della Giunta Regionale - Viale Aldo Moro, 52 - 40127 Bologna;
- bank transfert to Unicredit Banca Spa Agenzia Bologna Indipendenza - Bologna, with heading: Regione Emilia-Romagna, with IBAN: IT – 42 - I - 02008 - 02450 - 000003010203;
direct payment into any Unicredit Banca Spa Agency on Tesoreria 1 account with branch code 3182
(for payments from abroad, the BIC/SWIFT is UNCRITB1NU2).

Any records of the donations towards the Emilia-Romagna region is available on its official website.