Libya Flooding 2023

Soccorritori italiani a Derna

On September 10, storm Daniel strikes Libya, causing heavy rainfall, widespread landslides, flooding and the collapse of two dams.

The scenario immediately looks tragic, with thousands dead and missing and serious damage to roads and infrastructure. The city most affected is Derna, in the north-eastern region of the country, where the operations of rescue and assistance to the population are mainly focussed.

Italy promptly responded to the request for support made by the Libyan authorities. On 13 September, a state of mobilisation of the National Civil Protection Service has been declared.

As of September 17, about 480 Italian teams were engaged in the territories affected by the emergency involving the Civil Protection Department, the National Fire Department and the Armed Forces, while diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation were already on site.  

Il Capo Dipartimento con i soccorritori a Derna
Il Capo Dipartimento con i soccorritori a Derna

First interventions

Few hours after Storm Daniel, Italy, through the National Civil Protection Service, responds to the request for intervention received from the...
Brindisi, 14 settembre 2023 – Operazioni di carico sulla nave della Marina Militare San Marco degli aiuti destinati alla popolazione libica colpita dall'alluvione del 10 settembre scorso.
Carico materiale destinato alla Libia

Assistance to the population

The Department, in liaison with the assessment team that has arrived in Libya and with the Regions, the Autonomous Provinces and the Operational...


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