Ukraine emergency
The activities of the National Service begins with the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism by the State Emergency Service of the Ukrainian Republic, hit by a military attack of the Russian Federation in the night between 23 and 24 February 2022.
On February 25, the Italian Council of Ministers declares the state of emergency for foreign intervention due to the citical situation in Ukraine. The state of emergency has been extended until December 31, 2022 with the Resolution of May 12. This measure ensures the contribution of the Italian state to civil protection initiatives to support the affected population, also through extraordinary and urgent interventions. On February 28, the Council of Ministers approved another state of emergency to ensure the reception in Italy of people fleeing the conflict.
The National Service intervention, coordinated by the Civil Protection Department, immediately focuses on two aspects: humanitarian assistance and reception in Italy.
Budget Law 2024 (Law No. 213 of December 30, 2023) prolongs the end of the state of emergency from December 31, 2023, to December 31, 2024, to continue to provide reception and assistance to the people from Ukraine within the national territory.