How to donate
In the circumstance of the severe situation arising from the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the momentum of solidarity was powerful and intensely participated, which is why the Civil Protection Department, in accordance with Article 4 of the Order of the Head of the Civil Protection Department No. 639/2020, the Order of the Head of the Civil Protection Department No. 660/2020 and Article 99 of Decree-Law No. 18/2020 "Cura Italia," converted with amendments by Law No. 27/2020, was authorized to receive donations, through the opening of dedicated bank accounts and Treasury account No. 22330 in the name of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers:
- Bank account No. 66387: where donations intended to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory equipment, hospital medical supplies, vaccines, and PPE transport service flowed into. The amount collected is €173,545,457.51. The balance, amounting to € 2,977,461.85, was paid into Treasury Account No. 22330 in the name of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, then reallocated to the relevant expenditure chapter and, subsequently, transferred to the Special Account of the Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 emergency, referred to in DL No. 24/03/2022, converted with amendments by Law No. 52 of May 19, 2022, for subsequent use for the implementation and coordination of measures to contain and tackle the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency.
- Bank Account No. 66401: where donations targeted by two donors to specific projects were paid into. The total amount collected was Euro 89,484,067.92, finalized as listed below. Euro 88,446,600.00 was allocated by the donor in agreement with the Civil Protection Department and the Extraordinary Commissioner under Article 122 of DL March 17, 2020, No. 18 converted by Law April 24, 2020, No. 27 - to specific projects related to strengthening structures, tools and people assigned to the Covid-19 emergency. The donor allocated euro 1,037.467.92:
- To the IRCCS Policlinico SAN MATTEO Foundation, in the total amount of Euro 574,093.00, aimed at the "Plasma Iperimmune" Project
- To the University of Padua, in the total amount of Euro 463,374.92, aimed at the realization of a pilot study to develop a new COVID-19 vaccine.
- Bank Account No. 66432: related to the campaign promoted by a donor to support the families of doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and individuals supporting healthcare workers who died from COVID-19 infection contracted during their duties. The total amount collected was euro 12,735,019.64, of which euro 10,245,000.00 were transferred. The remaining amount of euro 2,490,019.64 will be used with destination constraints.
- In addition to the accounts mentioned above intended for the collection of donations, since the beginning of the pandemic, liberal donations for the COVID-19 emergency, in the total amount of 7,204,045.35 euros, have been received in Treasury Account No. 22330, in the name of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. This amount was transferred to the Special Account of the Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency, referred to in Decree-Law No. 24/03/2022, converted with amendments by Law No. 52 of May 19, 2022, for subsequent use in the implementation and coordination of measures to contain and tackle the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency.
The reports on the three donations received on the bank accounts, prepared by Article 99, Paragraph 5 of Decree-Law No. 18 of March 17, 2020, converted by Law No. 27 of April 24, 2020, regarding the closing of the bank accounts, are attached and available at the external link.
The Italian Revenue Agency, in resolutions 21/E dated April 28, 2020, and 25/E dated May 14, 2020, explained the procedures to be adopted and the documentation to be kept to receive tax benefits under Article 66 of Decree Law No. 18 of March 17, 2020.
In particular, donors who have paid directly into Treasury Account No. 22330 in the name of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers should have a copy of the transfer with an indication of a reason traceable to a liberal donation intended for the fight against COVID-19. In contrast, those who have donated in one of the dedicated bank accounts in the name of the Civil Protection Department at Banca Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. (Nos. 66387 or 66432) should have a copy of the transfer in the above-mentioned bank accounts or similar documentation showing that the transaction was made through traceable instruments (debit cards, credit cards, prepaid cards, bank checks, and cashier's checks).
However, concerning donations made through intermediary collectors, such as through crowdfunding platforms, as well as those made through the entities referred to in Article 27 of Law no. 133 of 1999, donors should have the receipt of the transfer (bank or postal, statement of account of the company that manages the credit card, debit card or prepaid card) or the receipt certifying that the transaction was carried out on platforms made available by intermediary or crowdfunding collectors as well as the certificate issued by the collector by the manager of the crowdfunding platform or the entities referred to in the Dpcm June 20, 2000, showing that the donation was paid into the bank accounts dedicated to the COVID-19 emergency (see resolutions No. 441/E of November 17, 2008 and No. 160/E of June 15, 2009 on donations made through employers).
In case of collections made to other bank accounts, the promoter of the collection, upon presentation to the Civil Protection Department of the payment transfers to Treasury Account No. 22330 or bank accounts 66387 and 66432, will receive a specific receipt showing, in addition to the credited amount, that the donations were used to finance interventions on containment and management of the COVID-19 emergency.